
Emma “wrote” the following on her blog, Emma’s Adventures . To comment and read her original post Click here. yummie grapes. do you like grapes? i like to stuff my mouth with them- can you see them in my mouth? 🙂 i just take one and pick it off mmmmm i like grapes. they’re yummie[…]

Starbucks date

Emma “wrote” the following on her blog, Emma’s Adventures . To comment and read her original post Click here. Charis and mea yummie treat mommy got for me at starcucks my mommy also wanted to let you know her new blog is here Click here to comment and read her original post.

Who wears short shorts?

Emma “wrote” the following on her blog, Emma’s Adventures . To comment and read her original post: Click here. i’m sitting here. i like to play with the kitties when they’re tryign to sleep. hehe. no kitties here… but i found a camera! hello world! who likes short shorts? i like short shorts! *strike a[…]