July 14, 2008

REACH Poland?

Status of Evangelical/Missionary work in Poland


As of 2012 and 2013 (depending on source) there were roughly 110,000 born-again believers (people belonging to churches which teach a follower of Jesus is born again into a new life with God when they make Jesus their LORD) This, of course, doesn’t account for home churches, such as ourselves, nor is it an indicator of Jesus following Catholics. However, this number does indicate that less than 0.2% of the population of Poland is born again.

Poland is not technically an “unreached” people group, but it certainly needs to be re-reached!

In an article printed in Evangelical Missions Quarterly; April 2004, one country topped the list for having a need for church planting missionaries. That country is Poland.

  • Based on the “N”* Formula, Poland is 10,000 times needier than Papua New Guinea or over 200 times more so than Mexico. There are cities in other countries with more missionaries than all of Poland.
  • As a percentage of the population, there are 4 times less Evangelical Christians living in Poland than there are in Saudi Arabia.
  • There are nearly 1 million people per church planting unit in Poland.
  • Of the nearly 2,500 counties in Poland, 2,219 have no Evangelical church of any kind within their borders.
  • Within these 2,219 “white spots” a total of 600 people die each day – with little or no exposure to the love and grace of the gospel.

These statistics were taken from the following sources:

  1. “Where are Pioneer Missionaries Needed? by Marten Visser. Published in Evangelical Missions Quarterly; April 2004, pp. 220-227.
  2. Operation World; Patrick Johnstone; 2001
  3. GUS (Głowny Urząd Statystyczny), Official government statistical information service
  4. North American Mission Agencies in Poland: A Study in “Partnership”; by Randy Hacker 2013

* What is the “N” Formula?  Click here (MissioNexus membership required).

So how will we REACH Poland? READ HERE.