Travis wrote the following on his blog, Living as a foreigner . To comment and read his original post Click here.
- Well started today off a bit later than I wanted. But hey I just enjoyed a fantastic time at the beach! #
- Finally on my way home, maybe we'll actually watch Benjamin Button, we've only had it for 2 months from netflix.. #
- Well, I guess it's my week for tech breakdowns our WiFi routes just died boo.. $ is not much – any suggestions? Our Linksys lasted 4+ yea #
- Crazy day today, 1/2 day of work, meet friends for lunch drive to Seattle, then do the holiday stuff for a few days, stay in 3 different hou #
- Hmmm… is this a good idea before Thanksgiving? #
- On our way to Seattle… oh what fun traffic! #
- Happy thanksgiving! Thanks to every single one me you for,years and years of support, encouragement and prayers! #
- Happy thanksgiving! Thanks to every one of* you for years of support, encouragement, love, & prayers. – still getting use to touch screen. #
- Thanksgiving was fantastic, Emma had fun with everyone! #
- My wife was one of the many crazies to venture out to a mall this morning, even though we don't have money, insane, even if you have money. #
- Here we are, Seattle christmas 2009! #
- Ug get me out of consumervile! #
- Finally out where the fun is and it's free! #
- Dobranoc nasi przyjaciele, błogosławieństwa i miłości! Good night our friends, blessings and love! #
- Alexis' dad is treating us to the Experience Music Project and science fiction museum sweet! #
- The king of pop at the EMP #
- The end of the EMP tour… #
Emma’s Blog, Reach Polska Blog, Donate to REACH Polska, Alexis’ Blog.
Click here to comment and read his original post.