city skyline under blue sky during daytime

Week 10 & 11 – Original creation is greater than original sin.

I got behind by a week after completing a big project for our Up North family of Foursquare churches. So this is a combined devotional to cover two weeks 😉 ‘Now we see things imperfectly, like puzzling reflections in a mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity. All that I know now[…]

man in white long sleeve shirt holding gray tray with man in blue denim jeans during

Week 9 – Releasing

This is the last in my series on the meaning of “REACH” and our five values built upon honoring, connecting, affecting, equipping, and now releasing. If you look at these values as layers of a foundation, releasing is the top layer, from here everything else is built upon the foundation. To “release” people means we[…]

assorted handheld tools in tool rack

Week 8 – Equipping

What does it mean to “equip” a follower of Jesus? So far we have explored three of our five missional values; honoring, connecting, and affecting. Each of these values are a layer in the foundation of our desire to establish communities centered on Jesus. This means these communities are equipping disciples (all followers of Jesus)[…]

stormtrooper picking red poppies during daytime

2021 Week 6 – Connecting

Last week I started a short five-week series based on our missional values: releasing, equipping, affecting, connecting, and honoring (follow the links for Polish versions, then click “Polski” in the upper-right or on the menu on mobile devices) which creates the acronym REACH. We started with “Honoring” as the foundation of those values and now[…]

2021 Week 2 – Fix your thoughts

This week will be a simpler devotion, to ponder, apply, and make applicable. The book of Philippians is not very long, only four chapters. Yet, Paul (as usual) dives deep into the very heart and soul of the spiritual communities he’s encouraging. Here’s just a quick rundown of Philippians: He gives thanks and prays for[…]

2021 Week 1 – The law is fulfilled for all of us.

2021 Week 1 – The law fulfilled, and new life in Jesus.

Starting in 2021 I (and hopefully more will join me) will be posting a weekly devotional with the goal of encouraging and challenging our missional communities towards centering our worldviews around Jesus, and decentering ourselves. My goal is to be “trans-cultural” and highlight truths that can be applied in any circumstance, personally, locally, or globally.[…]


We are a movement about honoring the Father, Holy Spirit, the Son, and all others. We desire to be disciples who honor our God in everything we do, even in our mistakes, in our forgiveness, and in our apologies. We recognize humanity is diverse, with each person’s experience being the narrative for their actions, beliefs,[…]


We are a movement about affecting our communities as passionate Polish followers of Jesus. We are sent to live, support, care, and intentionally develop relationships, within our neighborhoods. Intentionally focused on the spiritual and on the practical needs of our neighbors provides the opportunities to connect people to God in worship and service. Always measuring how we are[…]


We are a movement about equipping passionate Polish followers of Jesus. This means discipleship which provides practical ways for people to do ministry, to grow in their spiritual and natural gifts, and to build up the Church as a whole. Equipping people to understand their calling as an apostle, pastor, teacher, evangelist or prophet, above[…]


We are a movement about releasing passionate Polish followers of Jesus. Who are focused on people, building them up in the truths of Jesus, being transparent with our own mistakes, faults, and sins, and pointing ourselves and others towards the ultimate restorative work God wants for all. In all that we do we hope to[…]

It all starts: 5/6/14 15:55

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