We’ll try to keep this page up to date with current prayer requests. We continually pray for our friends in Poland, and we pray and contend with them as well. Thank you for your love, hearts, and obedience to Christ!
Last updated 1/27/2013
Prayer requests!
- For strengthening of our marriage, the mission field is difficult and we want to take proactive (and responsive) steps towards building our marriage.
- for the building of our monthly support team (see our how to donate page)
- Favor through the visa process
- Information for Travis to work remotely in Poland, possibly as a contracted worker for his current company
- Stewardship and decisions with finances
Things to praise God for!
- Polish language is getting easier to use on a regular basis
- An accelerated season has begun, we’re hoping that by September 2013 we will be in Poland.
Travis and Alexis,
We will continue to pray for God’s will in your journies. Steve and I are going to donate and will get that set up for you soon. The directions you are going are amazing and I have enjoyed following along. God’s blessings on all of you,
Michaela (Corey’s Mom) 🙂