Moving forward

Another quick update, we are in the process of finalizing with Foursquare what our ministry in Poland will look like.  We are excited and looking forward to the months ahead.  We have a lot of faith steps to take, however we are so thankful for our church family, our friends, and all of the support we have received to date.

Many days we feel stuck in some kind of no-mans land, we know life will be dramatically changing and we know God is preparing our hearts for this.  Some days are so full of excitement for the future and other days we dwell on our friendships and relationships here that we won’t be in day to day contact with, in many senses the grieving process is beginning.

Continue to pray for us as we walk both in the now, and into the future.

One thought on “Moving forward”

  • Hi Travis and Alixis,
    wow, Poland is getting closer!
    I just wanted to ask via this comunication chanel if you got my e-mail that I sent to you a couple of wekks ago?
    Many blessings

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