Alexis wrote the following on her blog, Technically Grown up . To comment and read her original post Click here.
Will not be here this coming week. I’ll miss…
Enjoy watching the season premier of LOST with Trav. Even though I really don’t care about that show.
Enjoy the balmy weather in Portland. 50′ F is crazy warm for January.
I am looking forward to 20-30 min showers and no interuptions in my sleep. Good luck Travis.
I want to drastically change my hair…maybe some piksie bangs will do the trick
Well, I had my one day of unpacking and just finished packing again for tomorrow. I’m going to Michigan with a couple friends. First stop Chicago. I think I was there less than 24 hours ago. *sigh
Then off to Grand Rapids and then about an 1 1/2 hour car ride to our destination. Have a great week….I won’t be posting since I won’t be having internet. It’s a remote place.
Click here to comment and read her original post.