we had a friend over today!

Travis wrote the following on his blog, Living as a foreigner . To comment and read his original post Click here.

This caught my eye while browsing my blog/news subscriptions today and so I thought I’d share it:

emma came to hang out with us all day!  we had so much fun.  the kids didn't know she was coming, so they were surprised when they woke up.
at breakfast, meshach asked what bug she should be. {i call them big bug, doodle bug and lady bug.}  he came up with honey bee and called her that sporadically throughout the day.  :o )

meshach loved to help take care of her and offered his hand to her on our walk.
it was such a beautiful day!  after lunch we went back outside to play with chalk.

Click here for the original and full post

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Click here to comment and read his original post.