
We are not the self-promoting kind of people, in fact, it is so hard for us to ask for donations, ask people to hear our hearts, yet all at once we know people won’t see it until they hear it. So we humble ourselves and keep a constant focus on fund raising. It is very tiring, and sometimes we feel like we are annoying people, and I’m sure we have – people are just too nice to say anything. As we move forward with our long-term fund raising it will be even more important to spread the word in so many ways.

We are focusing our attempts at the social-web movement, as the cost is great (free), and people seem to be reacting to it fairly well. We’ll still send out snail mail for those that have been responding to that well, but for the most part our support basis is from the online community (of which many are in our physical lives as well). We are creating a video that we hope will express our hearts in a completely new way, for we know that God has called us to this, and we commit ourselves to steward the resources we have.

And then God does some funny things – such as a $2,000 donation from someone you’ve never really had any relationship with. Yep, that happened just this past week, in fact yesterday, which added to all the crazy emotions of the past week. Praise God, he is faithful, and we love to walk forward with him, although we never know how we’re going to get anywhere.

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