In realty it’s all about location, location, location. In missions it’s all about language, language, language.
Language is an incredible thing, it’s the substance of cultures and the wall between them. One of the key items and first hurdle for us is to learn and hopefully master Polish. Of course we know this will take years, but we also know as called servants a certain amount of learning favor is upon us.
Two years ago we did a two week intensive in Kraków, this gave us a good foundation to work from. We have also been blessed with the full set of Rosetta Stone which has helped us a lot and we have more than half the set to go. Even with these tools it has been difficult to be motivated at times. But recently we have began increased our focus on studying Polish and the motivation seems to be sticking! There is a small Polish restaurant here in Portland where everyone, including a lot of the patrons, speak Polish. We really want to make this place a rwgular visit to connect and learn, finances make it a little hard at times, but where there’s God’s will there’s a way.
We wish that the Bible youversion app for Android had a Polish translation, with each update we are let down. The only Polish Bible we have is on and a German/English/Polish print edition that is in older Polish. So far we seem to be holding on well and able to get something out of it.
Our prayer request is that we continue to be intentional in our learning and connecting of Polish. There is so much that the language opena up to in terms of culture that we know if we don’t focus on it we’ll be neglecting the call. Thanks!