It has been a little too long since we last posted on here, so here’s what’s next for the Mielonen clan. These past few months have been extremely full, stressful, and at times we have been at the end of our rope. We’ve done some tuning to our schedule, made some lists, asked for help, and even though many of the stressors (such as Travis still working full time) are not gone, we’re checking in, connecting with people, and loving on our family.
So here are the final steps needed (in this order) before we get on the plane:
- Have at least 80% of our support actively coming in, with a goal of 100% (we’re currently at 75% coming in)
- Have 100% of our deployment costs raised (we’re at 80%, this is where one time gifts go)
- Purchase/reserve our flight (required for the VISAs, about $3,000)
- Have our friends “register” our invitation with the government in Kraków
- Apply for our VISAs ($400)
- Secure our first apartment (security deposit and first/last month’s rent, about $2,400)
- Depart!
So that’s it, 7 things to complete. Keep on praying, and if you want to financially support us, you can begin today or pledge when you can by going here.
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