Ice Cream Sandwiches

Alexis wrote the following on her blog, Technically Grown up . To comment and read her original post Click here.

I know I told a couple of you that I was going to make homemade pretzels. Sorry, my brown sugar is gone and so hopefully this week sometime I’ll do it. If not, for sure next week. I’ll also post the recipe here too- it’s really simple. Well, it seems that I blog a lot about food. Huh, I guess it’s just an avenue for my creativity. I would love more fabric, crystals, card stock, stamps and spray paint. But as it is, we will always need food! So I’m able to have fun in the kitchen and spread the love Internet style.

I needed to make cookies for Trav’s lunches and I’m always trying to come up with fun little desserts. So, voila! This is the best of both worlds. This is obviously so simple a child could do it. (hint, hint for all you mommies and aunties- fun project for a rainy day!) Right now they’re in my freezer hardening up. I think we’ll add them to tomorrow’s dinner plan. Enjoy!

Cookie! 021

Cookie! 023

Cookie in a jacket

Click here to comment and read her original post.