Travis wrote the following on his blog, Living as a foreigner . To comment and read his original post Click here.
- Recovering from a long weekend, late night getting back from Seattle, and overall exhaustion… Bring on the … something. #
- Why do I need a bathroom once I'm on MAX? #
- Need to stop staying up late – makes for a bad morning. #
- Today will be a day to beat my attitude/desires/mood into submission – by Jesus power. #
- Okay, going to bed at a better time than the last two nights! Should be a good night's sleep. Wonder what great things I'll see tomorrow? #
- Sweet I'm actually on the bus before 6:30! #
- Another day of needing the bathroom on Max… ug. But hey I'm dry on here and it's wet out there. #
- I have no idea what to say this morning? Whose got some wisdom to shafre today? #
- Whose got some wisdom, fun facts, or something interesting to share this wonderful and overcast day? #
- Had a good time at The Forge last night! (search for it on FB & become a fan to stay up to date). #
- I think I may be fighting some kind of sickness – sore throat and nasal cavity… prayers from the prayer types much welcomed! #
- Slow production day. But high quality… right? #
- working from home on a weekend – not so bad – but not so good either #
- Time for a nap or something – I will fight and win and conquer this cold. It's pretty weak at this point! #
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Click here to comment and read his original post.