When projects control your mind

Travis wrote the following on his blog, Living as a foreigner . To comment and read his original post Click here.

I’ve been wanting to redesign my blog, and work on a number of web projects for a while… so I decided that this evening would be at least the start of some of those projects.  I should’ve known it would take me past midnight… these kinds of things always do.

At least I’m happy with the new blog design, although I want to customize the header image, and make a few minor tweaks – overall I’m quite happy.  Next on my list is a major project to centralize all of our photos both in the cloud and on our computers, that’ll be fun… not.  I might actually start blogging some more once I feel like all of these projects are caught up on.

Emma’s Blog, Reach Polska Blog, Donate to REACH Polska, Alexis’ Blog.

Click here to comment and read his original post.