We have not been good at updating people in the past six months in regards to our plans with Poland. This has been somewhat intentional, and somewhat because we’re not really sure how to address everything. In short, we are still 100% on board for becoming full time missionaries to Poland. Our vision and goals remain, REACH.
The time frame of course has changed a bit, and we have slowed down to take care of ourselves here. The last year was full of warfare and it seemed, for a while, that we were in a fog. Thankfully, we have held on strong to God’s call, and with the support of our church, family, and most of all, our friends, we have been moving forward.
Currently we have raised about 30% of our monthly budget – this is fantastic news, as we haven’t really “began” fundraising. As we gear up for the “real fundraising” we are excited to see how God provides.
We have found a lot of rest in these past six months, and we know the next will be filled with a lot of activity, so we thank God for what he has given us. For Alexis the fundraising activity means a lot of follow up, and communication with many people. Since Travis works full-time, this essentially becomes a full time job for Alexis – it takes a lot to invite multiple couples over every weekend to hear about the vision.
Thanks again for sticking with us – and as we ramp up again, we promise to keep communications more open!