my birthday!

Emma “wrote” the following on her blog, Emma’s Adventures . To comment and read her original post Click here. i had my birthday and not i’m 2! i had a nice party. it was fun. i had an ice cream cake and opened presents with my friends. here is my cake, isn’t it cool?! it[…]


Alexis wrote the following on her blog, Technically Grown up . To comment and read her original post Click here. I have a certain group of shirts (usually the new ones) that have mysterious holes on the front of them. This mystified me for longer than I would like to admit until one day I[…]


Alexis wrote the following on her blog, Technically Grown up . To comment and read her original post Click here. I was inspired, in many ways, today by the movie Julia and Julie. It invokes many questions about what I want my blog to be about. Mostly, it’s about food. And I wonder why. I’m not[…]