Savory Sweet Sandwich

Alexis wrote the following on her blog, Technically Grown up . To comment and read her original post Click here. I grew up in a pretty traditional home. My mom is German and so I grew up thinking sauerkraut and schmarm was a staple in  every home across America. Sure I think cold macaroni salads are puke[…]

Meal Planning: October 09

Alexis wrote the following on her blog, Technically Grown up . To comment and read her original post Click here. Meal time again. Whoopie. Not to fun for you but a nessesity for me. If I don’t plan, I will freak out next week thinking we don’t have any food. So here it is. Oh,[…]

Meal Plan: October 09

Alexis wrote the following on her blog, Technically Grown up . To comment and read her original post Click here. Meal time again. Whoopie. Not to fun for you but a nessesity for me. If I don’t plan, I will freak out next week thinking we don’t have any food.  Make Travis nervous and frustrated[…]


Travis wrote the following on his blog, Living as a foreigner . To comment and read his original post Click here. The following is a mobile post, meaning it may have typos, incomplete thoughts, it may not even make any sense – enjoy! Yesterday Alexis posted on her facebook status a parenting question, one that[…]